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    Services or Offerings?
    You may select this service to request that an Ethernet port in your room be activated.

    Request repair of building issues.

    Request this service for assistance with audiovisual technology in classrooms and meeting rooms, including conference telephones, cameras, microphones, and videoconferencing platforms, i.e. Zoom, Teams, etc.

    Select this service if you are experiencing trouble while connecting to the Bluejay Wireless or Bluejay Guest networks.

    This service request is required to register an internship for academic credit. It must be approved by your faculty advisor and WCPE Internship Coordinator. Students seeking to register for an internship for academic credit must have a 2.5 or higher GPA, and an internship site (place of employment) secured.

    Request for cleaning in non-residential buildings.

    Submit any Coursedog questions

    Use this IT service request if you need assistance with Technology that is not listed in any other category.

    Complete this form to change your graduation date, major, or minor.

    The initial application for graduation is done via the self-service portal.

    Request for grounds issue.

    Request repair of all mechanical issues.

    Students, please submit this form to request registration for music lessons that require instructor consent.

    Once you have found courses on Self-Service you wish to register for, please complete this form. Please note: Upon submission of this form you are registering for the course(s) indicated and will be responsible for payment upon receipt of billing.

    Request for administration issues.